Young Horse Forum - Stolen Silver Horses

“Today Secret was one of the horses at the BD Young Horse Forum. She and Sonny were so chilled about everything, from the new venue, to the audience so close they could have touched her, to the biblical rainfall during her test, rattling off the roof. Nothing bothered her, she stayed soft and focused. I think she loves going to shows. She always delivers and she trusts Sonny implicitly. Someone said that she would walk through fire for Sonny and they’re right. They’re a dream team.”

“She’s looking stronger and more expressive every day. There are glimpses of what she will be in a couple of years time. And she sparkles. She absolutely loves it. They got amazing feedback from Isobel Wessels (5* judge and GP rider) and Matt Hicks (BD accredited coach and GP rider)

  • 9 for canter

  • 9 for trot

  • 8 for walk

  • 9 for way of going

  • 9.5 for potential”

    -Stolen Silver Horses

Kieran Turnbull